Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Oh gosh.... the weather is unbelievable (awful)! It is so cold and windy and this icy rain... I am living here for over 15 years now and we have never had a winter like this before. Normally, the temperatures will not drop under the freezing point - and if they do, it might be for one or two days. Now, we have this weather since a week before Christmas and I am just fed up! Last week we had 3 splendid days and everyone thought "spring is coming - at least" - but now we are back to wintery conditions. My dh is on a business trip for 3 days further South, but there the weather is also not much better.

Do you know what I would love to do today? I would really like to have fellow crafters over (perhaps even German speaking ones?), I would make a pot of coffee or tea, bake a cake and we could just chat.. Unfortunately, no one in Germany seems to like the idea... *lol* In half an hour, I will have to pick up my son from school and instead of brewing a pot of tea, it will just be a mug... :-)

Speak to you soon, take care

My very first entry!

I made it - an I really can't believe it! I managed to create my very own blog - tata! Be patient, I have to learn a lot and will always be grateful for hints and tips, so do not hesitate to contact me! This blog should be about my life and my interests, so you will learn things about my family, my crafty adventures and my kitchen enterprises. I will post recipes, pictures of the cards I have created and so on... This blog will be mainly in English (because I live in Nessie Land), but I am German, so if you would like to get some recipes in German - no problem - contact me and I will be able to help.

Ich habe es wirklich gewagt, ich habe meinen eigenen Blog - Tata! Aber bitte habt Geduld, ich muss noch sehr viel lernen und bin dankbar fuer alle Tips und Tricks. Also sagt mir Bescheid, wenn Ihr fragen habt. Dieser Blog solleinen Einblick in meinen Alltag geben, wo ich mit meiner Familie lebe, er soll meine Basteleien zeigen und ich werde auch ab und an Rezepte veroeffentlichen. Gegen meine urspruengliche Planung werde ich den Blog nun doch 2-sprachig fuehren. Zu Anfang zeige ich Euch eine Karte, die ich schon vor einer ganzen Weile gemacht habe - und die ich immer noch sehr gerne mag. Es war eine ganze Menge Arbeit die kleinen Loecher zu sticheln. Der "Korb" und die Blaetter sind in Origamitechnik gefaltet, die Blaetter sind gestanzt.

To begin with, I want to share a card I made a while ago - and I still like it. It was quite a lot of work piercing the flowers. The "flower basket" and the leaves are done in Origami and the flowers are just punched.

Speak to you soon, I have a doctor's appointment today, so take care!